A multi-media presentation with Linda Larsen, Constance Humphries, Adam Larsen, and Kimathi Moore.
Linda Larsen
Linda Iraggi Larsen was born in Long Island, New York to Italian parents. She says, “Always, so much going on emotionally, as a child it wasn’t easy to navigate…not that children have much sense about navigation…mostly, they want to be good and do the right thing.” She is still trying to do that but says she also gives up trying. “This is the beauty of making things. It is always a reflection of that search to do it better, get it righter, truer, and then to give it up.
Constance Humphries
Constance Humphries has been creating performances, presenting work and teaching since 1992. Her creative practice is based on intensely subjective interrogations via butoh dance. The resulting live, video and sound works address issues of emotional intelligence, relationship, identity, memory and intimacy.
Adam Larsen
(projection designer & documentary filmmaker)
Over the past 16 years, I have designed nearly 200 productions in theatre, dance, symphony and opera. These projects have ranged from intimate to extravagant and while the themes and aesthetics have varied wildly, I have found consistency in my collaborators. To name a few, I have had the pleasure of working six times with Molly Smith, Arena Stage Artistic Director; seven times with Jean Grand Maitre, Alberta Ballet Artistic Director; eleven times with Michael Tilson Thomas, San Francisco Symphony Music Director; and over twenty times with Director, James Darrah.
Kimathi Moore
Kimathi Moore is an electronic artist born in Paris, France whose love for electronics and sound experimentations goes back to his early childhood days. Now Kima lives in Asheville, North Carolina and spends much of his time daydreaming, field recording and going to old abandoned places to gather found sounds in random kitchens, train yards, old mills, or from his daily environment. His inspiration for arranging his sounds comes mostly from the magic realist paintings of Jacek Yerka, Daniel Merriam, Remedios Varo and Magritte.
"Finding the Words: Tangling with the Language of Art"
Thursday August 17th 7:30pm
Moderator: Diana Stoll
Panelists: Julie Gillum, Marya Roland and Lucia Antonelli