LINK - liNGk
“Noun: anything serving to connect one part or thing with another; a bond or tie
Verb: to join by or as if by a link or links; connect; unite”
November 4th - December 2nd
Reception Saturday November 4th from 4pm - 6pm
The first annual curated exhibition consisting of regional artist/educators and artist/students.
Jacob Brault + Trevor McDonald = (WWC)
Morgan Kennedy + Chelsea Dobert-Kehn = (WCU)
Jackson Martin + Jeb Hedgecock = (UNCA)
Curated by Tom Ashcraft
LINK as an exhibition title has a stepped meaning suggesting a way to approach the
faculty – student relationship and mentor to peer transition. Each individual in this
exhibition represent a snapshot of the work and process put into motion within an
academic community and studio framework where rigorous creative exploration, dialog,
and critique connect and where a link is formed.