Friday February 16th 7PM FREE
(Donations accepted)
Panel on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Composition.
Kimathi Moore - I will be exploring the intersection of sound and imagination. A brief introduction into my process of interpreting visual data, colors and painting into sound – how sounds, overtones and music can articulate what’s inside my imagination.
Meg Mulhearn - I’ll be talking about the topics of trust, letting go, and the collaborative approach to making the album Void 1/Gathering by myself + the Void Ensemble.
Walker Vincent Farrell - “Discipline” is another word for an area of study, but it also evokes rules, obedience, constraint, and punishment. Etymologically, discipline is from Latin for “learning and knowledge”… and also the Old English for “mortification by scourging oneself”. This coupling of exploration and restraint creates an interesting tension when applied to art, leading to a self-contradictory emphasis on both innovation and normativity - and endless argument about which is which. I have mostly attempted to replace “discipline” with “practice” in my own work. Moving across and between fields of practice has been one rewarding approach.
Alec Sturgis - I will be reflecting on the relationship in my work between ethnomusicological and sound studies research and experimental composition. Specifically, I’m interested in how ethnomusicology offers an ethics of listening and for documenting musical/social life. I’ll be presenting a few musical examples of how my work attempts to trace a line of contact between this theoretical/ethical consideration and the speculative, creative navigation of sound which happens in the relative privacy of the composerly practice.
Carmelo Pampillonio - Much of my recent work has involved investigations into the compositional possibilities of transposing Gestalt principles of visual perception into musical/aural contexts. Gestalt principles, although sometimes theoretically incomplete, shed light on how our perception of the relationships between sonic fragments shape our overall conception of "the musical.” I’ll be sharing my recent meditations on how these intuitive concepts can cultivate a greater sensibility for composition, listening, and design.