MUSIC MATTERS: THE POWER OF THE PIGPEN: Ron McKernan and the Early Years of the Grateful Dead.
Join us on Wednesday, July 11, from 7–9 pm, for "THE POWER OF THE PIGPEN: Ron McKernan and the Early Years of the Grateful Dead.”
Whitney "Dr. Filth" Shroyer
He was the original front man of the Grateful Dead. He convinced them to plug in and start playing electric instruments. He was a rhythm and blues purist in a band playing free form psychedelia. And he was a drunk in a room full of acid heads. Whitney "Dr. Filth" Shroyer, host of AFM's In the Box, will chat about Blue Ron McKernan, his ups and downs with the Grateful Dead, how he influenced the band’s sound, and how the band changed after his death.
The Doctor will also talk about his embarrassing past as Grateful Dead denier, and his Road to Damascus conversion experience.
An evening of tragedy and inspiration. Free punch.
To register for this event, email, or fill out this form.
Music Matters is a series of appreciation lectures given by Asheville FM DJs, volunteers, and affiliates. Topics will vary according to the unique passions of the presenters but will likely focus on the historical, theoretical, or cultural aspects of various genres, artists, bands, labels, and even musical instruments. Every presentation is free to the public, with a suggested donation of $5-$50. Those who donate $50 will automatically become AFM members.